Upload Artwork & Graphics
Secured by: SendThisFile
Please use our Free File Upload Service to send artwork for review, images for design,
or for a Free Artwork Proof for your order.
We will check the graphic quality of the artwork files and confirm if these are qualified for printing in the same day or the next business day during regular business hours. If files are sent during weekends or public holidays, confirmation will be provided within 24 hours the next business day.
* If you have multiple artwork files for your order, please specify the quantity of each to be printed.
** If you have more than 10 files, please put them into a zip file or click “next upload” after the first upload is complete.
*** If you prefer "print as is" without Proof, please give us instructions here.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance. You can email us anytime at service@lushbanners.com.